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The Lead Singer/Rhythm Guitarist: Nick Wolfe


      As one of the two founding members of the band, Nick has seen it all. His original position was to be the bassist, but he later switched to being the singer and guitarist due to his love of theater and singing. He recruited the others, and kept them going when things were looking bad.




The Lead Guitarist: Zach Imbriani


      Being the second founding member, Zach and Nick have been best friends since childhood. Zach started off being the lead guitarist, but eventually switched to drums after learning he had realatives that also played drums, and also just to keep the band alive in hard times. After a while, he decided to go back to his love of lead guitar.





The Bassist: Toby McKinnley


      With no form of musical training, Toby had encountered the band with no expectations. He was first introduced to Nick through a cousin, and was immediately drawn into the world of music. Nick had originally started him off with playing lead guitar, but Toby had always liked the idea of learning how to play bass, so he managed the transition easily. Thus, he became the third member of The Rightsiders.




The Drummer: Sergio Bustamante


      Sergio was the missing piece needed to complete the band. He has played drums for several years, and became friends with Nick through a mutual friendship they shared. After learning that Sergio played drums, Nick gave him the offer of joining The Rightsiders. The fourth member had joined.


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